Second week of part-time work
Saturday and Sunday (24th and 25th of September) were me second and third day of working at the Café and it’s honestly quite enjoyable. My whole weekend was kind of packed, something that’s probably fairly normal for most people, but for me that’s a very new concept to get accustomed to. Let’s roll back a…
My first day working at a café
Welcome back, this is my second entry in my mental health diaries. Whilst I am trying to keep these short, I do hope that these maybe helpful to someone else as well. NOTE: While this series is about my mental health and how I am trying to deal with my anxiety issues. NOTHING in here…
A second job to cure my anxiety?
I’ve been in full time employment on and off since forever. I’ve taken some freelance periods here and there, but since January of 2019 I’ve been back in full-time employment and honestly it’s kind of nice to have fixed holidays, not having to worry about health insurance, actually getting money back from the tax office…
DNF Duel Review
During the second DNF Duel Beta I was sure to be a Ghost Blade player, but then I saw Launcher bring down the Quantum Bomb; so I bid Ghost Blade good bye. DNF Duel is great I am not telling you anything new here when I am saying that DNF Duel is a lot…
Buffer in neutral
For some people this might be the first time they’ve even heard the term Buffer in this context, so let’s take a quick look at the glossary: From the glossary Source: A term that has two distinct, important meanings in the fighting game space. 1) Buffer can refer to a window of time…
Hit Confirm
For some people this might be the first time they’ve even heard the term Hit Confirm, so let’s take a quick look at the glossary: From the glossary Source: Performing an attack, seeing that your attack successfully hit, and then reacting to this information by continuing the combo. That is to say, you…
Simplified Inputs
Now that we’ve had a first look at Street Fighter 6 and that it will add a simplified, or what Street Fighter 6 calls it, a modern control scheme, I think it’s as good a time as any to talk about simple inputs. Does it really matter if something is simple, complicated, modern or stupid?…
Should I give up?
So after a year of trying to beat highly aggressive Ky players and at this point that’s with I-No, Baiken and Happy Chaos, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot do it. I cannot stop his spin kick, when I see that move it’s usually just about to make contact already. I cannot…
A bad mindset for fighting games
I am currently only really playing Guilty Gear Strive and sometimes Horizon Forbidden West, I still haven’t tried out SFV’s definitive update, nor have I checked out the two new characters in Melty Blood yet. Which means, as I don’t have any grand idea of a topic I want to cover right now, how about…