Crossplay is bad, because of Street Fighter V
No it’s not! My name’s Sasa and I will see you… Fine, but just so we are clear, in case you are expecting me to agree with the sentiment of “yeah crossplay is bad and shouldn’t exist” at any point, it’s not going to happen. Crossplay is necessary and I will die on this hill,…
My favourite Elden Ring boss fight
I won’t really hold back on spoilers and I also won’t give any further warnings beyond this point. If you’re sensitive to spoilers and for this game I highly recommend trying to not get spoiled and to experience the game’s world as much as possible for yourself, you should probably click away now. For those…
Averaging 10 celestial floor wins per day
Ten wins on the celestial floor in Guilty Gear Strive doesn’t sound like a big deal and realistically speaking it really isn’t. The goal however wasn’t to go for 10 wins per day, but averaging 10, which means that you have to make it onto the celestial floor first. If you don’t make it there…
Learning Baiken taught me a valuable lesson
It’s been a little over two weeks since I picked up Baiken, starting from when the day she was released, as I wanted to learn a new character. I made it to heaven with her on the second day of this month (February) and I am currently just over Level 400 and sit at 155…
Guilty Gear Strive’s ranked tower is quite bad
So on the 2nd of February I made it back to heaven, using Baiken and only Baiken. As you might recall, I wasn’t doing too hot the first two days. While I am getting a better handle on her overall game plan now, I am by no means anywhere near competent at this point in…
How should you learn a new character?
The first two days of playing Baiken didn’t really work out for me. The whole process of playing a brand new character, how to learn a new character, one that is brand new for everyone, only served the purpose of hammering in what I already knew… I am really not good at “labbing” characters. That’s…
Death’s Door Review (but not really)
Every so often I find myself in a little bit of an unsatisfied mood when it comes to the selection of games to play. Fighting games require me to be in a certain state of mind, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to tolerate getting battered for minutes to hours on end. There are games I…
Asking for Rollback Netcode is disgusting … is it though?
I received a comment on one of my shorts the other day, that I thought was quite interesting. The scrubquote the comment was left on, was this one: “You are a liar. If you doesn’t play the game it means you doesn’t like it. (For me VF5 even offline vs CPU is a blast) Why…
LEARN and APPLY: Dealing with infuriating playstyles
I’d like to tell you a story about an idiot that turned the tables on another idiot. As history is written by the winners as so prominently said by… huh turns out no one can really be credited for it, whatever, I won so I declare the other guy to be the sole idiot. I…
BOSSES: ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights | Part IV
What’s left to talk about in this last chapter? I have covered everything that I wanted to talk about in Ender Lilies. I’d still like to round out my thoughts which in some of the previous entries might have sounded contradictory. Let’s finish this slightly more in-depth look at Ender Lilies. I really like…