It has been over three weeks at this point, and I still don’t have either a replacement 3090 Ti or a RAM stick. We’ve reached a point where it will be sent out, but I had to send a photo of the GPU I have right now and I still don’t know how to package and send this GPU and the RAM to them. By “I don’t know”, I mean the specifics of packaging and so on. This is particularly frustrating as today the second trailer for 2B in Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising was released, and she’ll be available from tomorrow. Great, I still can’t play anything until I get all these parts exchanged. I was so close to just giving in and ordering new RAM and a 4090 to be done with it. It turns out my PSU has enough power for that as well, with roughly 350 watts to spare for everything else like the motherboard and the CPU, which shouldn’t come near to using 200 even… I think.
Our new family member, Kartoffel the cat, is growing rapidly. Honestly, it’s quite surprising how quickly he is growing from a kitten into a full-sized cat. I am lucky that I have enough “exciting” things happening because of him throughout the day to keep me entertained. However, when he’s sleeping, that’s when boredom really sets in, and it hits hard. I can’t just fire up my PC and play some Street Fighter 6, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, Tekken 8, or Granblue Fantasy Relinked, which I have played for a grand total of about 20 minutes so far. At least Final Fantasy VII Rebirth being out next week is something to look forward to. However, I am pretty sure, just like the first game, it will be amazing in how it portrays the events of the original but will lack in the gameplay department. I am already dreading all the forced slow-paced walking segments. Seriously, if you want me to actually feel any emotion when Aerith is stabbed by Sephiroth, force me to walk up to that altar, while they all talk about random things that don’t matter. On that note, and yes I realise this is turning into a rant about a game that I haven’t played yet and that I just implied I was excited about… the whole Jesse segment in Final Fantasy VII Remake, did anyone actually care about that, or was I the only one annoyed by having to spend time on this and even more annoyed to find out she wasn’t dead in the end? I am still worried Aerith might actually come out unscathed in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The title itself makes me worry about this a lot, to be perfectly frank. All of this is to say, as contradictory as it might have come across, I am glad I’ll have something to play next week.
By the time the platinum trophy pops, I should… SHOULD have my PC up and running again as well, I hope. My PS5 will actually see some use at the end of March and at the end of April with Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade, respectively.
That’s my update? Rant? Complaint? It’s my entry for this week; let’s go with that. I’ll try to get some more “insightful” content up here again next time. Thanks for bearing with me on this one. Also, I am currently recovering from what we think was food poisoning, but it also might have just been a general intolerance to something. Long story short, we got some takeaway on Saturday, and a couple of hours after that, I was dying. My wife was and is fine, but not me, nope, because apparently, my stomach and immune systems are rather sensitive. Also, the whole reason we got takeaway in the first place is that I broke our extractor hood filters and now we have to wait for replacements to arrive. Yes, everything is breaking, but unlike with my PC, the broken extractor hood filters are actually my fault. Lastly, Kartoffel is snoozing again, so there wasn’t much else for me to do here than to write a blog post, to be honest.
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